Tuesday, December 17, 2013


E-mail dated: 12/09/13

"Well, this week has been a pretty good one.  We got snow on Thursday and it has stuck through today. They cancelled church on Sunday because there was so much snow.  We share a ward with another set of Elder's and currently their van is broke down, so we woke up early and drove into Charleston to pick them up.  It was Elder Varner's first time driving in the snow or icy conditions, I was lucky to make it out with my life!  I think I had a death grip on the door the whole time!  Since church was cancelled we stayed and shoveled snow with the Westside elder's for the day, we just walked around the neighborhood and shoveled members/ random peoples driveways.  It was pretty fun.  People were surprised when they found out we weren't asking for money.  I found out that Elder Udy's dads birthday was also on Sunday (he is the Elder in the picture) but he is turning 50 something so dad can still pretend like he is young.  Elder Udy is a pretty cool kid, I would love to serve with him if the opportunity came about.  After we finished shoveling snow President wanted to have a special Sacrament meeting for the Elders that were close to the mission office, at the expense of alot of miles we went and it was totally worth it!! President started teaching some pretty deep doctrine the whole time and we were there for like 2 hours. 
It is crazy to think this transfer is half over and Christmas is on the way.  The Brown's invited both sets of Elder's to their house to skype on Christmas day so that should be lots of fun.  I don't know how to do it but I am sure they will show us how. "